Monday, May 7, 2012

Padres win for Jeremy Nash aka "Chicano Aladdin" because he's the baddest mo-fo in Nor Cal

I feel like I need an explanation for this title so here it is... I was complaining that coming up with a title is a bitch and I received a suggestion via twitter from the birthday boy, Jeremy Nash, and told him if he could work Aladdin into it I would use it. Clearly I keep my word even if it's nothing more than a stupid laugh between twitter friends. After all, that is how this blog was born. Now that that is said and done, after being swept by the Marlins this past series I did not feel like watching tonight's game at all so this is probably going to be half assed or come off very bitchy or both.

Padres scored first in the first with two outs against them. Weird, I know. Even weirder, a freak mishap happened and Cuddyer steals second but comes off the bag and Hudson ended up being able to get him out. What the deuce is going on?! Volquez smashed a linedrive off the pitchers leg and didn't even bother to attempt a decent run to first. Come on, you know we need all the outs we can get. A wild pitch scored the Padres another run to give them the 2-0 lead. Volquez gave up a solo HR... to the pitcher, cutting the lead in half. Volquez, you are an assclown. How the fuck do you give up a HR to a pitcher... in Petco?! We now have no excuse for our lack of HR's if a fucking pitcher can do it. Obviously we don't need to move in the fences, we just need to find players that actually know what they are doing. Alonso continues to get hits when I'm not watching, this time it scored Chase. For the betterment of the team I will continue to ignore Alonso as well as dislike him. Apparently it looked like we were going to attempt a double steal with Guzman and Alonso but thank God that didn't happen. Whoever thinks that that would have been possible needs help. Alonso is like Adrian slow, well maybe not THAT slow but close enough. Hundley loaded the bases in the third with one out. My lack of interest in tonight's game or maybe the unnecessary in game interviews caused me to miss a run being scored. These in game interviews are uber annoying, it's not like I'm trying to watch a baseball game or anything. Once again my lack of interest caused me to miss another run except this one was at the expense of the Padres. However, they still won 3-2.

While on twitter someone retweeted a photo of one of the empty sections of Petco which got me thinking, does the performance on the field reflect the lack of attendance or is it the lack of attendance that reflects on the performance?? I would imagine it would make you feel like shit to be excited to do what you love every night only to come out and see more empty seats than filled ones. On the other hand I know that it's difficult to want spend money to see a team while they are playing the way we have been for 20 out of 30 games. Despite that feeling I think I have decided that the lack of attendance is what is the cause of the performance, or lack there of, on the field. I'd love to see what happens when the stadium is not only full but full of Padres fans. Unfortunately I don't think that will ever happen unless we get an owner that is down to spend his entire fortune and sell his soul to produce the perfect team by using some crazy ass black magic voodoo to bring back, in their prime, all of the best players the Padres have ever had. Somebody, preferably the diamond in the rough, go into the Cave of Wonders and bring me Genie so that I can wish this into existence. Only I just remembered Genie can't bring people back from the dead, so much for having Caminiti on that team. I also just realized that having someone bring me Genie would make me Jafar and I'm more of a Princess Jasmine, if I do say so myself. Maybe if I use the third wish to free him he will make an exception or you know maybe if I used magic girl powers.

Record: 10-20

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