Friday, April 12, 2013

One Fight, Two Fight, Drunk Fight, Twitter Fight

So this post is coming to you later than normal because for one, I was at the game and for two, I was freezing balls AND too hyped up from the fights to write this when I got home. As you can guess from the title this will be less about the game and more about the fights. So now that I've had sleep and a chance to calm down from the game, with a super hot man voice, let's get down to it.

One Fight:
Quentin's fight
Greinke and Quentin have a history. Greinke hit Quentin, and with the game being 2-1 and the count being what, 3-2?? I highly doubt hitting Quentin was intentional. HOWEVER, Greinke mouthed off and that's what started this whole thing. Yes, Quentin gets hit A LOT but he's never fully charged the mound like he did last night. Clearly, the history mixed with the mouthing off set him off. Greinke can see, as everyone else, that Quentin has a good 40 pounds on him and to provoke him by saying "fuck you" AFTER hitting him was probably not his smartest move. Well, that or the whole dropping his shoulder as a failed attempt to defend himself. Either way, Greinke's actions lead him to the DL with a fractured collarbone. Sure, Quentin could have just taken his base but he had obviously reached his point with the little bitch and sure the umpires or anyone else near Quentin could have held him back like has been done in the past but they didn't. To say this is Quentins fault is completely unfair. You can't honestly tell me that not one person on the field had no idea there was history between them and that something was bound to happen. No one tried to stop it until it was too late and that's not Quentins fault.

Two Fight:
Alonso's fight

Shortly after the relievers returned to their bullpens, they were running back out on the field because Alonso was about to get into it with, who I later found out was Jerry Hairston Jr. and it looked to me that Matt Kemp was getting in on that too. Now, I don't know what was said to cause this fight but from what I heard, JHJ was mouthing off and Alonso didn't like it. Now, this fight didn't last as long but it was still full of excitement because let's face it, fights are fun to watch.

Drunk Fight: 
Now towards the eighth or ninth inning there was what I can only assume was a drunk fight between Dodgers fans and Padres fans down the third base line. This fight was complete with douches taking off their shirts, getting in peoples faces, security and handcuffs.

Twitter Fight:
Twitter 'fight'
When I got home, naturally I logged into twitter and my timeline was exploding with tweets about the fight and retweets about Dodgers fans being little whiny bitches because of the fight. I made comments like "Dear Greinke, you shouldn't run your mouth at a guy that's got about 40 pounds on you THEN drop your shoulder when he charges" that were retweeted into others timelines along with the tweet to the left and others. Now, I don't know if Dodgers fans were trolling or what but I did get a few, literally a few, people tweet me in response to my comments. One from a Dodgers fan who was actually not a douche about it. One from a Rockies fan who quite frankly needed to STFU with this "have fun in last place" business. Did he forget he's a Rockies fan and what place they came in last season?? Then we've got this twat waffle over here calling me a twat for commenting about Dodgers fangirls being on their phones the entire game instead of watching it. These girls also didn't show up until the third inning, took selfies as soon as they got there then went on to not watch the game but ya know, I'm the twat for going to a game and actually watching it. Fun fact, the dude deleted his tweet within an hour or so of tweeting it and never did respond to my reply.

 Now, when I got home I learned that Don Mattingly is a whiney bitch and Greinke is just a bitch. Their post game interviews were ridiculous. Mattingly with his bullshit "Quentin shouldn't be allowed to play until Greinke can" nonsense. Maybe you should teach your pitchers not to drop their shoulder into a guy that's got a good 40 pounds on him and used to play football and he wouldn't be out for two months. Greinke was trying to play the innocent card and make Quentin look like the bad guy when Quentin was completely upfront about everything and acknowledged that throughout their history he had never acted in the fashion he did last night. Oh yeah, Matt Kemp is a bitch too for trying to start shit after the game only to have Clayton step in and look like he was about to bench press him for fun. What was lost in all this madness yesterday, Quentin didn't break himself which is shocking since he's made out of glass and he was the only Padres player ejected. Good stuff.

I have to say this to those who make comments about cheering for injuries being classless or tactless or whatever, I better not see/hear you talking about boxing or UFC or anything like that. Cheering for injuries is not tactless or classless when there are sports devoted to beating the shit out of people. Get off your high horses. Injuries happen and as with booing, sometimes cheering for them is not done out of hate. I look at Greinke's injury as a 'sweet, we don't have to face an amazing pitcher for the next two months' kind of way and not as a 'sweet, he's hurt. Hahahaha.' kind of way. Though injuries do fascinate me and if a fight breaks out or what have you, yes I will cheer for an injury but not in a malicious way. Anyway, the Padres might have lost the game and the series but we sure as hell won the fight and I can't wait to see how the rest of the series' go for these two teams.

Record: 2-7

 PS: Guys, I deserve a medal or something because I didn't cuss once at the game!! Or start any fights of my own with the stupid Dodgers Barbies.

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