Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coming Up On The Next Episode Of God's Vagina...

Since I suck at life and haven't posted in over a month, with the exception of the other day to apologize for not posting, I will make a post every day during my Spring Training trip or at least try to. Granted the trip isn't for a few weeks still but nonetheless I will post every little detail about it. Okay, not EVERY detail because lets be honest, no one wants to know where I'm staying, what I'm eating/drinking or who I'm hanging out with while I'm there. Though that last one is debatable and unless my cuteness/attractiveness/hotness, whatever you want to call it, gets me an in to chill with some players no one will care who I'm hanging out with. I highly doubt that I will be chilling with any players since the person I was planning on hanging out with during this trip is no longer in the Padres organization. For the off chance that he sees this I just want to say, I wish you the best of luck with the Orioles and I hope to hang out with you eventually. So yeah, Spring Training trip coming up, not soon enough if you ask me, and new posts to accompany the trip. So to quote Snoop and Dre "just chill 'til the next episode."


  1. Guess you'll be documenting my shenanigans. Maybe a guest post is appropriate?? ;)
