Monday, July 23, 2012

Fuck SF

I'm not apologizing for not making a post yesterday to tell you we took the series or that we gave Quentin an extension because I was slightly busy freaking out about something. I'm going to tell you consider yourselves lucky for getting one out of me tonight. In the words of Kanye West "and my eyes more red than the devil is".  Within four batters, the fuckers from Northern Cali take the lead. I refuse to acknowledge them by their team name tonight. Welp, not even an inning into the game and we already have someone warming up. Clayton walked in a run and now we are losing 3-0 because of some bullshit. By bullshit I mean something I didn't see and yeah. Kotsay deserves an Oscar or something for his amazeballs acting skills to sell that he actually caught the ball for the final out. It looked clear to me that he trapped that shit and I've been awake and in the sun too long today. Alright, scratch that. After the commercial break the umpires decided that he did trap it and now the Padres get to go back out and the douche lords are winning 4-0. Super weird.

Dear Dick, 
We didn't need a better angle. We all knew he trapped it except for the ump that made the initial call. Signed, 
We aren't idiots

Padres finally score in the fourth off a sac fly... at least we won't get shut out tonight. In the fifth Alexi slide head first into second and apparently jammed his thumb which of course sparked Mark Grant and his whole "I hate the head fist slide" thing. Because a pop up slide is so much safer than a head first slide. This is what I picture when I think pop up slide, cleat getting caught on or under the bag, the pop up and BOOM twisted ankle or worse. Now, I'm not an expert or anything but I feel like fucking up your ankle is a lot worse than your hand. Since I'm all weird and shit and like injuries you would think I'd be a fan of the pop up slide for the possibility of what I just said... and I am but that's only because a pop up slide is more aesthetically pleasing than a head first slide. Then again head first slides can be pleasing to watch.

Motherfucker Posey hits a three run shot to make it 7-1 assdicks. Why is Clayton still in this game?! I would have pulled him after the first inning, ya know when we already had someone warming up. UGH. Word has it that Alexi jammed his thumb on that head first slide... yeah, I totally called that injury. I'd tell Alexi to suck it up and play through it but I clearly remember not being able to walk normally after I jammed my toe in gymnastics. Awkward landing --> swollen and bright blue/purple toe --> WebMD --> Doctor's office --> X-rays --> second opinion --> jammed toe. So not fun. Give Alexi about a week and he will be good to go. Pretty sure it took me longer because my stubborn ass continued to tumble on it and not tell anyone I hurt it until the next day. The Padres lose 7-1 and I could have done without watching this game. 

Record: 41-57 

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