Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rainbows, Unicorns and Fairies Shitting Glitter

As I suspected I missed the first inning and a half of the game and spent the rest of the time trying to catch up because of school, I hate when school interrupts my baseball. First thing's first, that whole neither Volquez nor Alonso making it to first for an easy out after the bat shattered thing.... WHAT THE FUCK?! I understand there's a bat flying in your direction and you're focused on the ball but you had the ball and no one hustled to first, why didn't you hustle?! I except you to bust your ass to make an out so I'm not okay with any of this and no, it's not lost on me that the two that fucked that up are the ones we got in that trade I'm still not happy about. Said trade will from now on be referred to as "that trade". O-Dog got a triple tonight?! Holy shit!! No surprise though that after Bartlett drove in Hudson he takes a gamble and makes an out at second. Damnit, stop gambling, we can't afford to give away outs!! I do love that we avoided a strike 'em out, throw 'em out and that Hermida's jersey got covered in dirt. Dirty jerseys are almost as magical as baseball pants and by that theory, dirty baseball pants are full of rainbows, unicorns and fairies shitting glitter, you know everything that girls love. Unfortunately all the magic, rainbows, unicorns and glitter shitting fairies in the world couldn't get the Padres a W tonight.

Now for some random thoughts that I don't know where to fit into this damn thing... I'm fairly confident I heard them play The Message - Grandmaster Flash "Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge" in the top of the ninth and now I want to watch Happy Feet. I don't care who you are if you walk the pitcher, you fail at life. Also I think I may have mentioned this before but if you have the bases loaded and you can't score, there is no possible way for you to win the game. It's scientifically proven, too bad the results are only in my head...

Record: 1-4

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