Saturday, April 28, 2012

Licksumcum Pulls Out the W

This game has to have been one of the most boring games so far this season. Of course it was a typical low scoring game that you would think I would be used to by now but no, my dumbass still expects more than one run to be scored in a game by my Padres. I guess this is what happens when you start watching teams like the Reds who, you know, have the ability to score multiple runs on a regular basis. The closest thing to excitement was in the fourth inning when Alonso and Cam crushed the ball but that fucker, pardon my French, Cabrera took away both possible extra base hits. Naturally after each crack of the bat I yelled "Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going!! Fuck you!!" at the television because they can totally hear me through it. The most confusing part of this game was during the second inning. Why the hell was that Leila chick, who I can't stand by the way, talking to us about Licksumcum's thoughts about his performance so far this season?? Last I checked, Padres fans didn't give a shit what he has to say, or any what any Giants have to say for that matter.

Bass took a perfect game into the sixth before, of course, Licksumcum broke it up. Why can't the Padres ever catch a break with these things?! Last I knew, Friars were tight with God so this whole not having anyone hit for the cycle or throw a perfect game thing is kind of ridiculous. In the matter of one inning we went from a perfect game to losing 2-1, awesome. A "controversial" call at first ultimately lead to the lead being taken away from us. I'm telling you, Alonso, point your fucking toes!! I can almost guarantee you that if he would have pointed his damn toe, we would have got that out. I'm not going to bitch about the ump because he made the right call but seriously, point your fucking toes next time. I'm down to go teach him how to do that if that's what it takes, after all I do have close to 20 years of toe pointing experience aaaaaaaand now I feel really old. Anyway, Bass had a damn good outing minus the whole giving up the perfect game to the pitcher thing. During the bottom of the ninth the Padres pinch ran Bartlett for Alonso... and that just became the most confusing part of the game. I thought the whole reason Bartlett wasn't in the starting lineup was to rest his knee. Pretty sure pinch running isn't how you rest a knee but then again I'm only an athletic training student so what would I know about anything like that?? Padres lose 2-1 and our win streak comes to an end. I guess we will just have to start a new one tomorrow, good thing it's Sunday, funday, runday.

Record: 7-15

PS. For the record, I can no longer pronounce Licksumcum properly so that's why it's spelled the way it is throughout this post.

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