It's been a short lifetime since I've written a post and now that baseball is officially over, it will probably be even longer before I write another new post. In other words, savor this one.
The baseball gods clearly wanted me to be miserable during the duration of the postseason. Not only did every team I want to advance get eliminated in the division series' but my "if there has to be a winner" teams in the championship series also got eliminated. Leaving me with two teams in my divisions that I absolutely can not cheer for, the Giants and the Tigers. Now as if that wasn't bad enough the Giants had to go ahead and sweep after being on the verge of elimination in the previous two series.
My hatred for the Giants brought back painful memories while watching them eliminate the Reds in game 5 of the DS. I had a bad feeling going into that game that they were going to pull out the win. I treated that game as if it were game 162 all over again. I was heart broken for the Reds and utterly shocked that the Giants came back from the brink of death to win the last three games of the series. At that point I told myself I wasn't going to watch any more of the postseason because there weren't any teams left that I could stand to cheer for. Sadly, I'm a slave to baseball and watched probably 95% of the games this postseason.
As we all know, the Giants swept to win the World Series and if you are on twitter you were probably bombarded with annoying tweets from fans and not from Giants fans. Granted the Giants fans were probably already in a drunken stupor by the time the game went into extras and were probably beyond shitfaced by the time they won. I was prepared for the obnoxious Giants are World Series Champs again tweets but what I wasn't prepared for was the complete bittery assholeness of Padres fans. Yes, I was also pissed that the Giants won but I was smart enough to turn the game off after the final out was recorded. I saw no need to suffer through a postgame show. Clearly some of my timeline was not smart enough to do the same or too drunk to do so as I saw countless bitter posts. I could not believe how bitter fans were being. You would think that it was 2010 again with the way they were acting. It's not like the Padres were even close to being in the playoffs this year yet that fact seemed lost on a lot of people that night.
I know it sounds like I'm bashing my fellow Padres fans and in a way I am but the way they were acting was uncalled for. There were tweets of not going to Padres Giants games because they didn't want to be around the bandwagon Giants fans even more so now. I'm ashamed that they would think such a thing. You can't let obnoxious fans determine whether or not you're going to go to a game. Though, I do that with Dodgers games but that's more of a safety concern than anything. If you've forgotten, I'm quite the little girl with quite a loud mouth and that's probably not the best thing to have when you're near Dodgers fans. All in all, it's baseball and if someone is going to offer me tickets to go to a Padres Dodgers game, I won't turn them down or if I already have them, I won't give them away. Baseball is too precious to me to let other fans determine whether or not I go to the game. If anything, I'd want to go to Giants Padres games more to show my support for the Padres and enjoy those glorious moments when we beat the Giants. Them winning a second World Series in three years just makes our wins over them that much more amazing.
In other baseball related news, the Padres are moving in the fences to my dismay and the dismay of others. I still stand by the fact that the Padres are going to get blown out more with the changes than not. I'm scared to see how it's going to affect the pitchers especially ones that are perfect for, I guess now we can call it, old Petco. It worries me that our pitchers are going to try to make up for the space they've lost and alter their mechanics and do more harm than good. Also in other baseball related news, Chase Headley won his first Gold Glove tonight. I was beyond shocked to see that he was even nominated and even more shocked when he won. With the announcement of his name I immediately yelled "HOLY CRAP!!" had I been alone in the house it would have been a much more colorful expression. Chase marks the first Padres third baseman to win since my all time favorite Padre, Caminiti. So thank you, Padres, for not trading Chase. I've forgotten what it's like to have a Gold Glove winner. Also, I have to ask, how the hell did the Reds Brandon Phillips not win a Gold Glove?! I was constantly amazed by his defensive abilities in the games I watched and even highlights on ESPN.
Edit: It's hilarious seeing posts on twitter of fans bitching that their teams player(s) got snubbed for the Gold Glove and them blaming it on the lack of publicity because ya know, the Padres TOTALLY get publicity.
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